Jeremy Schneider

Graduate Student

I work on the thinkers of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Europe; and the ways in which they investigated the natural world. In particular, I am interested in ways of interrogating Nature other than observation and experiment. How, for example, did one study Nature’s past? I have published a single article, “The first mite: insect genealogy in Hooke’s Micrographia (link is external)”, with Annals of Science.

My work orbits around the figure of Robert Hooke, a gifted English instrument-maker, whose enduring significance has yet to be laid out. I have also become a student of the early modern university.

Before coming to Princeton, I was a researcher at Caltech (2016-17) and assisted in editing the Collected Papers of Albert Einstein. Prior to that, I was a visiting scholar at UC Berkeley (2015-16), where I wrote an obscure little treatise on Wittgenstein. I hold a B.A. in history (2013) and a M.A. in philosophy (2016) from Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich, Germany.

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