Antiquity in Early Modern France – Forms, Ideas, and Media
February 19, 2022 · 10:00 am—6:00 pm · Virtual
Renaissance and Early Modern Studies

CREMS Graduate Conference:
Keynote: Larry F. Norman, University of Chicago
Panel 1: Intellectual History
Michael Moriarty (Cambridge), Scott Francis (University of Penn), Daniel Garber (Princeton), Respondent Pierre Force (Columbia)
Panel 2: Literary Forms
Helena Taylor (University of Exeter), David Posner (Loyola), Cynthia Nazarian (Northwestern), Respondent: Leonard Barkan (Princeton)
Panel 3: Ancient & Modern Media
Alan M. Stahl (Princeton), Sylvaine Guyot (NYU), Katie Chenoweth, (Princeton), Respondent: Carolyn Yerkes (Princeton)
With a journal presentation by Flora Champy (Princeton)
Please register (“Contact & Zoom link”): https://www.antiquityemfrance.com/
Organized by Alexander Brock (abrock@princeton.edu) and Jiani Fan (jianif@princeton.edu)