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“‘Poor Tom’s a cold’: Shakespeare and Ecological Catastrophe”

Walter Cohen University of Michigan

February 8, 2023 · 12:00 pm1:30 pm · 209 Scheide Caldwell House

Renaissance and Early Modern Studies

Dear CREMS Graduate Students,


You are invited to a lunch talk with Walter Cohen on Wednesday, February 8, at noon in 209 Scheide Caldwell.  Professor Cohen’s talk is entitled “‘Poor Tom’s a cold’: Shakespeare and Ecological Catastrophe.”  There is a short essay on the topic, optional reading, that I can send to you.  The first part of the talk will summarize the essay, and the discussion following will depend on what you would like to talk about.


If you would like to attend the lunch, please RSVP to blleavey@princeton.edu by Friday, February 3, and indicate if you have any dietary concerns.


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