Calendar of Events

209 Scheide Caldwell House Princeton, NJ, United States

Piranesi Works on Paper

Carolyn Yerkes

Renaissance and Early Modern Studies
209 Scheide Caldwell House Princeton, NJ, United States

Knotty testimonies: Reckoning with Andean cord-keeper accounts from the mid-sixteenth century

Nicole Legnani

Renaissance and Early Modern Studies
010 East Pyne 010 East Pyne, Princeton, NJ, United States

Beyond the canon: Anne Conway on sense perception

Sarah Hutton

Department of Philosophy, Department of English, Committee on Renaissance and Early Modern Studies
127 East Pyne 127 East Pyne

Renaissance Voyages

Renaissance and Early Modern Studies
NJ, United States

The Art of Glassmaking and the Nature of Stones

Sven Depré

Committee on Renaissance and Early Modern Studies

Creatures of the Imagination: Visualizing Monsters in the Early Modern Sciences

Surekha Davies, Utrecht University; Jennifer M. Rampling, History

Renaissance and Early Modern Studies

Why did Pierre Bayle believe in Virtuous Atheists? A Critique of Pure Reason “avant la lettre”

Dmitri Levitin

Renaissance and Early Modern Studies

Piranesi on the Page: exhibition viewing

Carolyn Yerkes

Renaissance and Early Modern Studies

Environment and Observation in the Dutch Golden Age

Renaissance and Early Modern Studies
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